

Dado Van Peteghem en Nils van Dam zijn een heerschap met verstand van zaken — letterlijk. Wij hebben dan weer weet van woorden. Daarom schreven wij mee aan dit boek dat bedrijven van hun eiland wil duwen om grote problemen op te lossen.


ghostwriting • boek

Metasystems ghostwriting door Goodcopy ink

Eerst als ghostwriters, en dan als partners, bewezen we al doende waar dit boek over gaat: als ge wilt nadenken over De Groote Dingen, dan zijt ge beter als ge samenwerkt.

Want de opwarming van de aarde een halt toeroepen of ongelijkheid wegwerken, dat doet ge niet in uw eentje. Dat zijn problemen die onlosmakelijk verbonden zijn met andere problemen. Het zijn wespennesten, systemisch en complex. En ze hebben oplossingen nodig die we nog moeten verzinnen.

Niet door bedrijven die elkaar platconcurreren op weg naar een beter flesje frisdrank, wel door samenwerkingen die erkennen dat de menselijke factor uiteindelijk altijd het zwaarst doorweegt, dat vertrouwen altijd de basis is, en die geloven dat ze meer moet ambiëren dan winst alleen.


→ een fragment

"In all things written, there is the eternal division between fiction and non-fiction. Fiction is stories, figments of an author’s imagination. Words with a capacity to take you to fairy-tale worlds and travel alongside imaginary characters. Non-fiction is facts, preferably of the kind that reveal truths unknown to you. Wrapped in how-to titles and lathered with numbers and arguments, their aim is to instruct, to teach you something. Yet fictional worlds are just as laden with lessons as their more factual counterparts. While less didactical or not as obvious, their teachings are just as valuable.

We’ve had a hard time categorising this book in either one of these boxes. Obviously, this is no romantic fairy-tale. But it isn’t lab-made scientific research either. It surely isn’t futuristic sci-fi, yet depicts a world that doesn’t quite exist—yet. 

This book finds itself tightrope walking the dividing line between fiction and non-fiction; reality and make-belief. In part, it is a book about how we see, experience and read the world today. A description of our reality. In part, it is wishful thinking, an attempt to predict a future reality, and with this prediction, to increase the odds that our predictions may materialise. This is a prophecy we hope to be of the self-fulfilling kind. 

We are no scientists, psychologists or business gurus. Neither do we qualify as academics, politicians or heroes. However, we are humans wishing for this world to turn and keep turning, with as little hiccups as possible. That, to us, is reason enough to articulate our wishes out loud, telling you about how we see the future of the next generations, the planet, society as a whole, and, more specifically, what the role of business is in all of it. 

We are no experts, but we are bold optimists. Rather than starting fires, or acing the never-ending optimisation game, we prefer the design and co-creation of a desirable future. For us, not bad is not good enough. And so we got to work, drafting a possible blueprint for this future ahead in a few hundred pages. While it may not be a crystalline roadmap, we think it may be a silver lining—the motivation you need to get going, the belief that there are ways to do this. Here is an outline for a path we feel is both possible and desirable, sustainable and exciting. 

This book wants you to start moving. It encourages you to start wishing out loud, together, and by doing so, making that future more probable. So maybe today, our book is still filed away as fiction. But with every person who reads it, we get closer to the non-fiction section."


→ Metasystems, Why Trust Is Going To Change The World, een boek geschreven in opdracht van Dado Van Petegem en Nils Van Dam en uitgegeven bij Die Keure

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